Daily Prompt: Water & Senior Portraits

So when you saw “Water & Senior Portraits” you were probably thinking there would be some cool beach portraits… that is probably what I would have thought!  We we would have both been wrong!!

With the theme for today’s post being “Water” and me being a sports photographer, I thought I would share with you some Senior Portraits with you from a photo shoot in the pool area of Marshall High School.

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This young man is a member of the Marshall High School Swim Team. When he mentioned having some portraits done in the swimming for the sport of swimming I wan’t sure what I was in for.  I had never photographed the sport or photographed anything in a pool area of a school.  

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He even brought a pullover from Grand Valley (which is the college he will be attending) and what a combination of blues…  The painting along the walls, the blue of the pool and his outfit were all a wonderful combination.  

As a Sports Photographer & Senior Portrait Photographer… this is just the type of photo shoot I look for!  Something to push my skills and creativeness but that also results in showing off ones accomplishments and decisions for the future.

WordPress.com Daily Prompt: Water


Weekly Photo Challenge: Object: Clothes Pins

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This challenge is suppose to encourage you to use an object as your focal point and inspiration!  Composition, focal points and framing can really make the difference in whether an ordinary everyday object could even be interesting to photograph or to even look at.

So I am going to tell you the story about this photo that I am entering for this Week’s Photo Challenge.  I love to hang my laundry outside during the warmer months in Michigan.  As a challenge to myself, I decided to see if I could photograph clothes pins!  To make it a little more interesting, I hung my colorful neoprene lunch bags on the line with the clothes pins.  I was just looking to see if I could make it look interesting enough to capture someone’s eye!  Anyways, I like the photos…

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Object

Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition @ a Basketball Game

FB P DSC_0865Sometimes while photographing a sports game, I will get a little sidetracked and photograph something other than the game!  I usually try to make it something challenging like a juxtaposition which is “the act of placing things side by side, especially for the purpose of comparison or contrast.”

One way I have found to capture a juxtaposition during a basketball game (actually during warm ups) is to capture the basketball as it comes thru the hoop and net.  For me it is more of a comparison of technique, focus, position and timing.  The shear timing alone can be extremely tricky but always such a delight when I capture that perfect moment in time!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition


Daily Prompt: Teaching ~ When I really started Photography

I took a black and white photography class about 13 years ago.  It was a learning process to see good contrast and clarity needed to make good black and white photos in a color world!  It was a 35 mm film class where I was also taught how to develop my own film and create my own prints in a black room.

FB img024For one of my projects I photographed a music teacher and my daughter’s kindergarten class.  All of these students are graduated now and the music teacher retired shortly after this project.

FB img019FB img020These next few you will find some students chopping apples as they were in the process of learning how to make apple sauce and one young man trying to figure out what to do on the computer.

FB img022FB img021FB img023At the end of the year my daughter, Martha, gave her teacher a binder with a copy of these pictures and some more.  The music teacher also received a copy of the pictures from her class.

Daily Prompt: Teaching

Daily Prompt: Handling with Kindness, Restoring a Photo

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This is the final reproduction of a team portrait from 1926 of the Athens Football Team, Athens, Michigan.

I started by carefully removing the original picture from its frame and then scanning it in 3 different sections.



img003I then carefully eliminated some of the markings from age and pieced together the 3 images.  I added the white border around it to allow for proper printing dimensions and added the quote per the current football coach for Athens High School.

Daily Prompt: Kindness

Daily Prompt: Mirrored & I am slightly behind!

I have not posted since January 16th!  I am very sorry but then again maybe today’s post fits well, Mirrored!  Here is an oldie but goodie…   one of my first selfies ever taken and it was in the mirror!

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Right now this colorful depiction of myself in someways fits perfectly! I have been in the process of painting a small bedroom to convert it into an office.  I have become frustrated today because for the 3rd attempt the second batch of paint still did not match what I started with!  So I tried to do a quick over coat to blend and when I thought I had done a good job, I later walked in to find out that I hadn’t.

Plus my computer tower is getting hot while in the spot of my brand new desk.  There is not enough ventilation for my system so the it is setting on the floor next to my new desk!

So the colorful depiction of me in this picture fits perfectly.  I am behind in my blogging, my office walls are not done the way I wanted them, I still have some green and purple where I have to finish trim and the closet and half of my business stuff is in my office and half is still in the living room (where I used to work from)!

I have not lost my thought and image of my dream office this is only a part of the transition…             I know this is true!

Daily Prompt: Mirrored

Weekly Photo Challenge: Family

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Martha & Ben are my children and Jake & Maddie belong to my brother, Bill.  This picture was taken towards the end of the summer 2012, in Union City, Michigan for my Mom’s birthday.  She had spent a ton of time over the summer babysitting Jake & Maddie while Martha & Ben were constantly stopping over to visit or to eat!  What an appropriate way to end the summer and give my Mom a birthday present that she definitely did not have!!!!!!

Family Portrait Sessions start at $100.00 with an additional charge of $10.00 for each Family Member beyond 6.  I am a natural light on location photographer who will travel to you within 40/45 miles of Tekonsha, Michigan 49092.  For more information you can visit my Website.  

Weekly Photo Challenge: Family

Here is the picture from the very top of this post.  Ben is slightly tall and almost didn’t fit within the frame of this photo!

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Daily Prompt: A Bathing Beauty

FB DSC_8351FB DSC_8330FB DSC_8340While I was sitting in my cool home I discovered several Robins visiting the old cement birdbath outside.  I looked at the thermometer to see that it read over 90 degrees.  No wonder these Robins were taking a bath!  I quietly cracked the sliding glass door and captured this beauty during her bath.            Char

Daily Prompt: Singular or One

New Way to Pay for your Prints – Introducing the PayPal Button

I am so excited today to share the New PayPal Button on my website! I am a huge fan of PayPal and I use it whenever it is available.  Now I can offer you this feature on my website!!!!

PayPal Button for Checkout

No more limiting my customers to Credit or Debit cards….  one click of the button and you can log into your PayPal account and purchase your prints.

If you have not used PayPal before, it is supper simple and easy to set up and account.  Go to PayPal and set up an account.  You have the option to use credit cards or debit cards as your payment option but even better…  you can have PayPal set up to use your checking or savings account for your payment!

That’s right…  You can now pay for your prints with your checking account from my website!!!!!!

No more shuffling around to find your Credit or Debit card to make a purchase!
